Sunday, 20 September 2020

How to make Ngatu


.They dry the bark in the sun again.
.They beat the bark with a wooden tool called an ike to make it thinner.
.They hang the bark in the sun.
.After the hiapo is the cut down, women and= the girls peel bark from the tree.
.They soak the bark in dried water to make it soft.


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Jelly Bean Lesson

 We learned about how to play mary had a little lamb on an glockenspiel. I had a drum and 5 other people had an drum,custinet and a triangle bell. I also learnt new beat about an song reading the songs and finding it on YouTube. I also was trying to make the same beat as she was doing on soundtrap is a beat website that you can make your own beat with other people will also make songs about raps. I was so close to finishing the whole entire song of mary had a little lamb but Then after that we learnt about a song that's called The Entertainer. I liked to play the castanets its an mexican instrument and that's why I like JellyBean.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

My pepeha

Whāinga :E aka aha ahau ki te tuhi me tewha ka pūaki I tāku pepeha. Maunga = ocean 

Marae = meeting house.

Wacha =  cohen.

Hāpu = Sub-tribe.

Iwi = tribe Ngāti Porou.

(Ngāti whatuo).

Tūngan = Brother.

Teina younger brother

Patiki = youngest.

Matua = parents.

Tuahire = sister.

Matua = dad.

Tuahire = big brother.

Koro = Grandfather 

Karani pāi = Great grandfather 

Kūiai = Great grandmother 

Monday, 31 August 2020

Whos to blame

In our bounce back program we were learning how to blame fairly.

Story one

You borrowed your sister's mobile phone without asking. You left it in your bag at school and somebody stole it. How much of what happened was because of:

me: a big amount a middle amount a little amount 

others: a big amount a middle amount a little amount

bad luck/circumstances: a big amount a middle amount a little amount 

these where my dishinces.the words i colour are the disshines i pick.

Story two

You didn't wear your shorts  to school on sports day and got into trouble from the team captain .She wouldn't listen when you tried to explain that your parents had been sick and had not been able to wash them. How much of what happened has because  of:

me: a big amount a middle amount a small amount 

others a big amount a middle amount a small amount 

bad luck/circumstances: a big amount a middle amount

a small amount

these where my dishins.


Wednesday, 26 August 2020

My favourite glass

We were learning about how to measure the mls in my cup. But my first guess was 1 and a half mls in my cup. Now let's move on to how much mls will be in my mums favourite cup. My mum has 200 mls in her favourite cup and that's a lot of water . The top photo is my mums cup and the bottom photo is my favourite cup.

Monday, 10 August 2020

My water cycle

Did you know another way to say water cycle and this is how you say it is hydrologic.

Did you know all the water on earth is only 1% of it is suitable for human use. Water 

evaporates from the ground turns into clouds falls as rain sleet or snow and the whole 

Process is called transpiration - an essential part of the water cycle. When the sun heats up

The rain the rivers and ocean water becomes water wapper and it rises up in the air 

This process is called evaporation it is the first step of the water cycle you can see the water 

Water vapor at home all you do is heat your jug up and as the water gets heated you will be 

Able to see water vapor rising up in the air when the water vapor reaches in the sky it

Turns into little drops of water these water drops along with gas and dust particles that

Is how they make clouds this is known as condensation now you put a cold lid veselin over

The heated water when you open the lid up yall be able to see water drops that's exactly

What condensation is when the cloud becomes to heavy and it cant hold any more water
Inside it burst open to give out rain hail or snow this is known as precipitation as it rains

Water gets collected in oceans lakes and rivers it even slips through the soil and becomes

Groundwater water cycle is a continuous process of evaporation,condensation and


Thursday, 6 August 2020


The reappearance of the matariki stars signals a beginning of the Māori New Year and did you know that matariki stars are one of the closest to earth.And did you know that there is another name how to say matariki is pleiades
You can see the matariki stars for yourself at night you can see most of the stars at 9:00 but you can see all of the stars at 12:00 you will see all of the matariki stars.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

What is good about prodigy

The first step about prodigy you are meant to pick your first attack

When you just start to play prodigy there is only 1 attack you can

Pick it is called the starbit blast and you can only do 137 damage.

The second step is to find your opponent weakness and my opponent

Weakness is confusing him so when I confuse him he always gets

Distracted and that is how I win last but not least prodigy is a game

For math and anyone can play it its for free you can play it at school 

Prodigy was made for the kids and not adults if adults want to play

This they are allowed whenever they want to i'm just going to

Talk about the last step and its step 3 step 3 you have to 

Pick your name and your avatar and you can change the colour of

His eyes and his here you can only change the hairstyle but

That's all i gotta say bye hope you like my prodigy story 

And remember it's for free, no payment at the end.

What are Dr Seuss's messages about life?

1. What is one strength you have and why is it

important to know your strengths?

2. How do you 'unslump' yourself when things

go wrong in your day? What are good ways of

dealing with changing a bad mood into a good


3. this is what i learnt i learned about what ways you should go and what ways you shouldn't go so i chose 

to go the right way its your choice would you go bad side or good side.


Thursday, 21 May 2020